Insider Trading

Insider Trading - How to ruin your life with one phone call

"Why is it that defendants remember how much they love their family after they committed a crime that puts that whole relationship in jeopardy?" Federal Court Judge Jed S Rakoff

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Your employees are a single phone call, text message, or e-mail away from ruining their careers, their lives, and the lives of their loved ones, and knocking down the reputation of your firm. Governments worldwide are cracking down on insider trading, some very harshly. We have studied insider trading in great detail and use our work as the basis for a hard-hitting "scared straight" talk for financial industry employees of any level. Our discussion can be done in conjunction with our longer Ethical Leadership in Business course or as a stand-alone session.

For a full syllabus and pricing for Insider Trading or any of our other courses or to arrange a meeting to discuss our in-house programs, please contact us.

Links to course summaries

Capital Markets
Competition and Strategy
Corporate Financial Management
Corporate Restructuring
Ethical Leadership in Business
Finance for non-Financial Managers
Insider Trading
Managing Innovation
Mergers and Acquisitions
Negotiation Lab
Practical Applied Statistics
Valuation Methods